use ($nu.default-config-dir | path join 'config/') # use prompt indicators from starship $env.PROMPT_INDICATOR = "" $env.PROMPT_INDICATOR_VI_INSERT = "" $env.PROMPT_INDICATOR_VI_NORMAL = "" $env.PROMPT_MULTILINE_INDICATOR = "" let in_supported_termprogram = ($env.TERM_PROGRAM? == "WezTerm") or ($env.TERM? == "xterm-kitty"); $env.config = { show_banner: false ls: { use_ls_colors: true clickable_links: true } rm: { always_trash: false } table: { mode: psql index_mode: auto show_empty: true padding: { left: 1, right: 1 } trim: { methodology: truncating truncating_suffix: "…" } header_on_separator: true # limit data rows from top and bottom after reaching a set point # abbreviated_row_count: 100 } error_style: fancy datetime_format: { normal: "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%p" table: "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%p" } explore: { status_bar_background: { fg: "#1D1F21", bg: "#C4C9C6" }, command_bar_text: { fg: "#C4C9C6" }, highlight: { fg: "black", bg: "yellow" }, status: { error: { fg: "white", bg: "red" }, warn: {} info: {} }, table: { split_line: { fg: "#404040" }, selected_cell: { bg: light_blue }, selected_row: {}, selected_column: {}, }, } history: { max_size: 100_000 sync_on_enter: true file_format: "plaintext" isolation: false } completions: { case_sensitive: false quick: true partial: true algorithm: "prefix" use_ls_colors: true } filesize: { metric: false # true => KB, MB, GB (ISO standard), false => KiB, MiB, GiB (Windows standard) format: "auto" # b, kb, kib, mb, mib, gb, gib, tb, tib, pb, pib, eb, eib, auto } cursor_shape: { # block, underscore, line, blink_block, blink_underscore, blink_line, inherit to skip setting cursor shape (line is the default) emacs: inherit # block, underscore, line, blink_block, blink_underscore, blink_line, inherit to skip setting cursor shape (block is the default) vi_insert: inherit # block, underscore, line, blink_block, blink_underscore, blink_line, inherit to skip setting cursor shape (underscore is the default) vi_normal: inherit } use_grid_icons: true # always, never, number_of_rows, auto footer_mode: 20 # the precision for displaying floats in tables float_precision: 2 # command that will be used to edit the current line buffer with ctrl+o, if unset fallback to $env.EDITOR and $env.VISUAL # buffer_editor: "" use_ansi_coloring: true # enable bracketed paste, currently useless on windows bracketed_paste: true # emacs, vi edit_mode: vi # enables terminal shell integration. Off by default, as some terminals have issues with this. shell_integration: { # osc2 abbreviates the path if in the home_dir, sets the tab/window title, shows the running command in the tab/window title osc2: $in_supported_termprogram # osc7 is a way to communicate the path to the terminal, this is helpful for spawning new tabs in the same directory osc7: $in_supported_termprogram # osc8 is also implemented as the deprecated setting ls.show_clickable_links, it shows clickable links in ls output if your terminal supports it. show_clickable_links is deprecated in favor of osc8 osc8: $in_supported_termprogram # osc9_9 is from ConEmu and is starting to get wider support. It's similar to osc7 in that it communicates the path to the terminal osc9_9: false # osc133 is several escapes invented by Final Term which include the supported ones below. # 133;A - Mark prompt start # 133;B - Mark prompt end # 133;C - Mark pre-execution # 133;D;exit - Mark execution finished with exit code # This is used to enable terminals to know where the prompt is, the command is, where the command finishes, and where the output of the command is osc133: $in_supported_termprogram # osc633 is closely related to osc133 but only exists in visual studio code (vscode) and supports their shell integration features # 633;A - Mark prompt start # 633;B - Mark prompt end # 633;C - Mark pre-execution # 633;D;exit - Mark execution finished with exit code # 633;E - NOT IMPLEMENTED - Explicitly set the command line with an optional nonce # 633;P;Cwd= - Mark the current working directory and communicate it to the terminal # and also helps with the run recent menu in vscode osc633: ($env.TERM_PROGRAM? == "vscode") # reset_application_mode is escape \x1b[?1l and was added to help ssh work better reset_application_mode: true } # true or false to enable or disable right prompt to be rendered on last line of the prompt. render_right_prompt_on_last_line: false # enables keyboard enhancement protocol implemented by kitty console, only if your terminal support this. use_kitty_protocol: $in_supported_termprogram, # true enables highlighting of external commands in the repl resolved by which. highlight_resolved_externals: false # the maximum number of times nushell allows recursion before stopping it recursion_limit: 50 hooks: { env_change: { PWD: [ {if (".git" | path exists) { onefetch --no-merges --no-bots --no-color-palette --true-color=never --text-colors 1 1 3 4 4 }} ] } # run to display the output of a pipeline display_output: "if (term size).columns >= 100 { table -e } else { table }" # return an error message when a command is not found command_not_found: { null } } menus: [ # Configuration for default nushell menus # Note the lack of source parameter { name: completion_menu only_buffer_difference: false marker: "| " type: { layout: columnar columns: 1 # Optional value. If missing all the screen width is used to calculate column width # col_width: 20 # col_padding: 2 } style: { text: green selected_text: { attr: r } description_text: yellow match_text: { attr: u } selected_match_text: { attr: ur } } } { name: ide_completion_menu only_buffer_difference: false marker: "| " type: { layout: ide min_completion_width: 0, max_completion_width: 50, max_completion_height: 10, # will be limited by the available lines in the terminal padding: 0, border: true, cursor_offset: 0, description_mode: "prefer_right" min_description_width: 0 max_description_width: 50 max_description_height: 10 description_offset: 1 # If true, the cursor pos will be corrected, so the suggestions match up with the typed text # # C:\> str # str join # str trim # str split correct_cursor_pos: true } style: { text: green selected_text: { attr: r } description_text: yellow match_text: { attr: u } selected_match_text: { attr: ur } } } ] keybindings: (keybindings) }