;# vim:ft=dosini include-file = colors/mocha.ini [global/wm] margin-top = 0 margin-bottom = 0 [settings] screenchange-reload = true [bar/main] monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-0} height = 24pt width = 100% fixed-center = true background = ${colors.crust_bg} foreground = ${colors.text} line-size = 1pt module-margin-left = 4pt module-margin-right = 4pt font-0 = "Inter:style=Medium:size=14;4" font-1 = "Victor Mono:style=SemiBold Italic:size=14;3" ; font for nerdfont icons font-2 = "Symbols Nerd Font:style=1000-em:size=14;4" modules-left = i3 title modules-center = nowplaying modules-right = task mail volume battery vpn date time tray-position = none [module/i3] type = internal/i3 format = index-sort = true wrapping-scroll = false ; Only show workspaces on the same output as the bar pin-workspaces = true label-mode-foreground = ${colors.mauve} ; focused = Active workspace on focused monitor label-focused = %icon% label-focused-foreground = ${colors.pink} label-focused-padding = 8pt ; unfocused = Inactive workspace on any monitor label-unfocused = %icon% label-unfocused-foreground = ${colors.mauve} label-unfocused-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} ; visible = Active workspace on unfocused monitor label-visible = %icon% label-visible-foreground = ${colors.mauve} label-visible-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} ; urgent = Workspace with urgency hint set label-urgent = %icon% label-urgent-foreground = ${colors.red} label-urgent-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} ws-icon-0=1; ws-icon-1=2; ws-icon-2=3; ws-icon-3=4; ws-icon-4=5; ws-icon-5=6; ws-icon-6=7; ws-icon-7=8; ws-icon-8=9; ws-icon-9=10; ws-icon-default= [module/title] type = custom/script exec = i3-window-title tail = true [module/mail] type = custom/script exec = mailcount interval = 10 format-prefix = " " format-foreground = ${colors.red} [module/task] type = custom/script exec = taskcount interval = 10 format-foreground = ${colors.red} [module/vpn] type = custom/script exec = mullvad-status tail = true format-foreground = ${colors.green} [module/date] type = custom/script interval = 60 # fall back to normie date if discordian date is not available exec = bar_date format-foreground = ${colors.blue} label =  %output% [module/time] type = internal/date time = "%H:%M" format-foreground = ${colors.mauve} format-padding = 4pt label =  %time% [module/nowplaying] type = custom/script interval = 3 exec = media-status tail = true format-foreground = ${colors.text} click-left = playerctl play-pause label-font = 2 [module/battery] type = internal/battery label = Test format-foreground = ${colors.yellow} full-at = 99 ; If an inotify event haven't been reported in this many ; seconds, manually poll for new values. ; Needed as a fallback for systems that don't report events ; on sysfs/procfs. poll-interval = 10 [module/volume] type = internal/pulseaudio format-volume-foreground = ${colors.peach} format-muted-foreground = ${colors.peach} use-ui-max = false ; Interval for volume increase/decrease (in percent points) interval = 5 label-muted = ﱝ 0% ramp-volume-0 = 奄 ramp-volume-1 = 奔 ramp-volume-2 = 墳 format-volume = click-right = pavucontrol