local get_config = function() -- unload these if loaded, so that theme switching works package.loaded["feline"] = nil package.loaded["catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline"] = nil local present, feline = pcall(require, "feline") local ctp_present, ctp_feline = pcall(require, "catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline") if not (present and ctp_present) then return end local clrs = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette() ctp_feline.setup({ assets = { left_separator = "", right_separator = "", bar = "█", mode_icon = " ", dir = " ", file = " ", git = { branch = " ", added = " ", changed = " ", removed = " ", }, lsp = { server = " ", error = " ", warning = " ", info = " ", hint = " ", }, }, sett = { show_modified = true, curr_dir = clrs.mauve, curr_file = clrs.blue, bkg = clrs.crust, }, mode_colors = { ["n"] = { "NORMAL", clrs.blue }, }, }) feline.setup({ components = ctp_feline.get(), force_inactive = { filetypes = { "^startify$", "^fugitive$", "^fugitiveblame$", "^qf$", "^help$", }, buftypes = { "^terminal$", }, bufnames = {}, }, }) end get_config() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", { pattern = "*", callback = function() get_config() end, })