function string.starts(self, str) return self:find('^' .. str) ~= nil end local conceal = function() local home = os.getenv("HOME") local blacklist = { [home .. "/git/work"] = "Working...", [home .. "/git/freelance"] = "Freelancing...", [home .. "/git/freelance"] = "Freelancing...", } local cur_file = vim.fn.expand("%:p") for k, v in pairs(blacklist) do if cur_file:starts(k) then return v end end return false end require("presence"):setup({ -- General options auto_update = true, neovim_image_text = "The Soydev's Kryptonite", -- Main image display (either "neovim" or "file") main_image = "file", -- A list of strings or Lua patterns that disable Rich Presence if the current file name, path, or workspace matches ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local buttons = function(buffer, repo_url) -- ignore where no repo_url is set if repo_url == nil then return false end -- only show certain org/user repos, don't leak clients or work local visible_urls = { "", "", "", } -- check if repo_url is in the list of visible urls for _, visible_url in ipairs(visible_urls) do if repo_url:find(visible_url) then return { { label = "Steal the code", url = repo_url, }, } end end -- if not, return false return false end, debounce_timeout = 10, file_assets = { ["k8s.yaml"] = { "Kubernetes", "", }, ["Chart.yaml"] = { "Helm Chart", "", }, ["helmfile.yaml"] = { "helmfile", "", } }, -- Rich Presence text options editing_text = function(s) local concealed = conceal() if concealed then return concealed end return "โœ๏ธ " .. s end, reading_text = function(s) local concealed = conceal() if concealed then return concealed end return "๐Ÿ“– " .. s end, file_explorer_text = function(s) local concealed = conceal() if concealed then return concealed end return "๐Ÿ“ " .. s end, workspace_text = function(s) local concealed = conceal() if s ~= nil and not concealed then return "๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ ".. s else return nil end end, git_commit_text = "Committing changes", plugin_manager_text = "๐Ÿคน Managing Plugins", line_number_text = "L%s of %s", })