{ config, lib, osConfig, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin isLinux; in { imports = [ ./apps ./langs ./secrets ./xdg.nix ]; home = { packages = with pkgs; ( [ _1password age age-plugin-yubikey attic-client fd ffmpeg file gh git-crypt gocryptfs imagemagick just mdcat minio-client nix-output-monitor nur.repos.nekowinston.icat nvd ranger ripgrep sd watchexec ] ++ lib.optionals (config.isGraphical && isLinux) [ (_1password-gui.override { polkitPolicyOwners = [ osConfig.dotfiles.username ]; }) neovide nextcloud-client uhk-agent ] ); sessionVariables.SSH_AUTH_SOCK = lib.optionalString isDarwin "${config.programs.gpg.homedir}/S.gpg-agent.ssh"; stateVersion = "23.05"; # respected by `fd` & `rg`, makes it so that iCloud files are ignored by those utils # this speeds up the search processes and files aren't downloaded while searching $HOME file."Library/.ignore" = { enable = isDarwin; text = '' Mobile Documents/ ''; }; }; xdg.configFile = lib.mkIf isDarwin { sketchybar.source = ./apps/sketchybar; }; programs = { home-manager.enable = true; man.enable = true; taskwarrior = { enable = true; package = pkgs.taskwarrior3; }; }; age.secrets."wakatime.cfg".path = "${config.home.sessionVariables.WAKATIME_HOME}/.wakatime.cfg"; }