feat: admit defeat and use brew yabai/skhd

This commit is contained in:
winston 2023-04-08 12:59:06 +02:00
parent 6a38059686
commit 6d127cf8fd
Signed by: winston
GPG key ID: 3786770EDBC2B481
6 changed files with 126 additions and 152 deletions

home/apps/macos.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
}: let
inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin;
in {
xdg.configFile = lib.mkIf isDarwin {
"sketchybar" = {
source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "${flakePath}/home/apps/sketchybar";
recursive = true;
"yabai/yabairc" = {
text = let
rule = "yabai -m rule --add";
ignored = app: builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (e: ''${rule} app="${e}" manage=off sticky=off layer=above border=off'') app);
unmanaged = app: builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (e: ''${rule} app="${e}" manage=off'') app);
in ''
#!/usr/bin/env sh
yabai -m signal --add event=dock_did_restart action="sudo yabai --load-sa"
sudo yabai --load-sa
yabai -m config \
auto_balance off \
focus_follows_mouse off \
layout bsp \
mouse_drop_action swap \
mouse_follows_focus off \
window_animation_duration 0.0 \
window_border on \
window_border_blur on \
window_border_width 2 \
window_gap 5 \
left_padding 5 \
right_padding 5 \
top_padding 5 \
bottom_padding 5 \
window_origin_display default \
window_placement second_child \
window_shadow float \
active_window_border_color 0xfff5c2e7 \
normal_window_border_color 0xffcba6f7 \
external_bar all:32:0
# auto-inject scripting additions
yabai -m signal --add event=dock_did_restart action="sudo yabai --load-sa"
sudo yabai --load-sa
${ignored ["JetBrains Toolbox" "Mullvad VPN" "Sip" "iStat Menus"]}
${unmanaged ["GOG Galaxy" "Steam" "System Settings"]}
# etc.
${rule} manage=off border=off app="CleanShot"
${rule} manage=off sticky=on app="OBS Studio"
executable = true;
"skhd/skhdrc" = {
text = ''
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# focus window
cmd + ctrl - h : yabai -m window --focus west
cmd + ctrl - j : yabai -m window --focus south
cmd + ctrl - k : yabai -m window --focus north
cmd + ctrl - l : yabai -m window --focus east
# move window
cmd + shift - h : yabai -m window --warp west
cmd + shift - j : yabai -m window --warp south
cmd + shift - k : yabai -m window --warp north
cmd + shift - l : yabai -m window --warp east
# toggle sticky/floating
cmd + shift - s: yabai -m window --toggle sticky --toggle float --toggle topmost
cmd + shift - d: yabai -m window --toggle float
# rotate
cmd + ctrl - e : yabai -m space --balance
cmd + ctrl - r : yabai -m space --rotate 270
# open terminal
cmd + shift - return : open -na "''${HOME}/Applications/Home Manager Apps/WezTerm.app"
# restart yabai
cmd + alt - r : brew services restart yabai
# fast focus space left/right
ctrl - left : yabai -m space --focus prev
ctrl - right : yabai -m space --focus next
# switch to space
cmd + ctrl - 1 : yabai -m space --focus 1
cmd + ctrl - 2 : yabai -m space --focus 2
cmd + ctrl - 3 : yabai -m space --focus 3
cmd + ctrl - 4 : yabai -m space --focus 4
cmd + ctrl - 5 : yabai -m space --focus 5
cmd + ctrl - 6 : yabai -m space --focus 6
cmd + ctrl - 7 : yabai -m space --focus 7
cmd + ctrl - 8 : yabai -m space --focus 8
cmd + ctrl - 9 : yabai -m space --focus 9
cmd + ctrl - 0 : yabai -m space --focus 10
# send window to desktop and follow focus
cmd + shift - 1 : yabai -m window --space 1; yabai -m space --focus 1
cmd + shift - 2 : yabai -m window --space 2; yabai -m space --focus 2
cmd + shift - 3 : yabai -m window --space 3; yabai -m space --focus 3
cmd + shift - 4 : yabai -m window --space 4; yabai -m space --focus 4
cmd + shift - 5 : yabai -m window --space 5; yabai -m space --focus 5
cmd + shift - 6 : yabai -m window --space 6; yabai -m space --focus 6
cmd + shift - 7 : yabai -m window --space 7; yabai -m space --focus 7
cmd + shift - 8 : yabai -m window --space 8; yabai -m space --focus 8
cmd + shift - 9 : yabai -m window --space 9; yabai -m space --focus 9
cmd + shift - 0 : yabai -m window --space 10; yabai -m space --focus 10
executable = true;

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
}: let
inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin;
sketchybarPkg = pkgs.unstable.sketchybar;
in {
home = lib.mkIf isDarwin {
packages = [sketchybarPkg];
launchd = lib.mkIf isDarwin {
agents.sketchybar = {
enable = true;
config = {
ProgramArguments = ["${lib.getExe sketchybarPkg}"];
KeepAlive = true;
RunAtLoad = true;
ProcessType = "Interactive";
Nice = -20;
StandardErrorPath = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/sketchybar.log";
StandardOutPath = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/sketchybar.log";
EnvironmentVariables = {
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";
PATH = "${lib.makeBinPath [
xdg.configFile = lib.mkIf isDarwin {
"sketchybar" = {
source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "${flakePath}/home/apps/sketchybar";
recursive = true;

View file

@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ in {

View file

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
caskArgs.require_sha = true;
onActivation.autoUpdate = true;
onActivation.upgrade = true;
brews = [
casks = let
skipSha = name: {
inherit name;
@ -54,6 +59,9 @@
taps = [

View file

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
}: {
imports = [
users.users.winston.home = "/Users/winston";

View file

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
}: {
services.yabai = {
enable = true;
enableScriptingAddition = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.yabai;
config = {
auto_balance = "off";
focus_follows_mouse = "off";
layout = "bsp";
mouse_drop_action = "swap";
mouse_follows_focus = "off";
window_animation_duration = "0.0";
window_border = "on";
window_border_blur = "on";
window_border_width = "2";
window_gap = "5";
left_padding = "5";
right_padding = "5";
top_padding = "5";
bottom_padding = "5";
window_origin_display = "default";
window_placement = "second_child";
window_shadow = "float";
active_window_border_color = "0xfff5c2e7";
normal_window_border_color = "0xffcba6f7";
external_bar = "all:32:0";
extraConfig = let
rule = "yabai -m rule --add";
ignored = app: builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (e: ''${rule} app="${e}" manage=off sticky=off layer=above border=off'') app);
unmanaged = app: builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (e: ''${rule} app="${e}" manage=off'') app);
in ''
# auto-inject scripting additions
yabai -m signal --add event=dock_did_restart action="sudo yabai --load-sa"
sudo yabai --load-sa
${ignored ["JetBrains Toolbox" "Mullvad VPN" "Sip" "iStat Menus"]}
${unmanaged ["GOG Galaxy" "Steam" "System Settings"]}
# etc.
${rule} manage=off border=off app="CleanShot"
${rule} manage=off sticky=on app="OBS Studio"
services.skhd = {
enable = true;
skhdConfig = let
yabai = lib.getExe config.services.yabai.package;
in ''
# focus window
cmd + ctrl - h : ${yabai} -m window --focus west
cmd + ctrl - j : ${yabai} -m window --focus south
cmd + ctrl - k : ${yabai} -m window --focus north
cmd + ctrl - l : ${yabai} -m window --focus east
# move window
cmd + shift - h : ${yabai} -m window --warp west
cmd + shift - j : ${yabai} -m window --warp south
cmd + shift - k : ${yabai} -m window --warp north
cmd + shift - l : ${yabai} -m window --warp east
# toggle sticky/floating
cmd + shift - s: ${yabai} -m window --toggle sticky --toggle float --toggle topmost
cmd + shift - d: ${yabai} -m window --toggle float
# rotate
cmd + ctrl - e : ${yabai} -m space --balance
cmd + ctrl - r : ${yabai} -m space --rotate 270
# open terminal
cmd + shift - return : open -na "''${HOME}/Applications/Home Manager Apps/WezTerm.app"
# restart yabai
cmd + alt - r : launchctl kickstart -k "gui/''${UID}/org.nixos.yabai"
# fast focus space left/right
ctrl - left : ${yabai} -m space --focus prev
ctrl - right : ${yabai} -m space --focus next
# switch to space
cmd + ctrl - 1 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 1
cmd + ctrl - 2 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 2
cmd + ctrl - 3 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 3
cmd + ctrl - 4 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 4
cmd + ctrl - 5 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 5
cmd + ctrl - 6 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 6
cmd + ctrl - 7 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 7
cmd + ctrl - 8 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 8
cmd + ctrl - 9 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 9
cmd + ctrl - 0 : ${yabai} -m space --focus 10
# send window to desktop and follow focus
cmd + shift - 1 : ${yabai} -m window --space 1; ${yabai} -m space --focus 1
cmd + shift - 2 : ${yabai} -m window --space 2; ${yabai} -m space --focus 2
cmd + shift - 3 : ${yabai} -m window --space 3; ${yabai} -m space --focus 3
cmd + shift - 4 : ${yabai} -m window --space 4; ${yabai} -m space --focus 4
cmd + shift - 5 : ${yabai} -m window --space 5; ${yabai} -m space --focus 5
cmd + shift - 6 : ${yabai} -m window --space 6; ${yabai} -m space --focus 6
cmd + shift - 7 : ${yabai} -m window --space 7; ${yabai} -m space --focus 7
cmd + shift - 8 : ${yabai} -m window --space 8; ${yabai} -m space --focus 8
cmd + shift - 9 : ${yabai} -m window --space 9; ${yabai} -m space --focus 9
cmd + shift - 0 : ${yabai} -m window --space 10; ${yabai} -m space --focus 10