diff --git a/home/apps/nu/config.nu b/home/apps/nu/config.nu index 71c41ee..8361132 100644 --- a/home/apps/nu/config.nu +++ b/home/apps/nu/config.nu @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $env.config = { # osc8 is also implemented as the deprecated setting ls.show_clickable_links, it shows clickable links in ls output if your terminal supports it. show_clickable_links is deprecated in favor of osc8 osc8: true # osc9_9 is from ConEmu and is starting to get wider support. It's similar to osc7 in that it communicates the path to the terminal - osc9_9: true + osc9_9: ($env.TERM != "xterm-kitty") # osc133 is several escapes invented by Final Term which include the supported ones below. # 133;A - Mark prompt start # 133;B - Mark prompt end