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- --status-positive-text: #fff; - --status-warning-background: hsl(38,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*95.7%),54.1%); - --status-warning-text: #000;*/ - --status-danger-background: #d20f39; - --status-danger-text: #4c4f69; - --status-danger: #d20f39; - --status-positive: #40a02b; - --status-warning: #fe640b; - --button-danger-background: #d20f39; - --button-danger-background-hover: #ea113f; - --button-danger-background-active: #ba0d33; - --button-danger-background-disabled: #000; - --button-positive-background: #40a02b; - --button-positive-background-hover: #48b430; - --button-positive-background-active: #388c26; - --button-positive-background-disabled: #000; - --button-secondary-background: #ccd0da; - --button-secondary-background-hover: #bcc0cc; - --button-secondary-background-active: #acb0be; - --button-secondary-background-disabled: #f00; - --button-outline-danger-text: #4c4f69; - --button-outline-danger-border: #d20f39; - --button-outline-danger-background: #d20f39; - --button-outline-danger-background-hover: #ea113f; 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- --button-outline-brand-background: hsla(0,0%,100%,0); - --button-outline-brand-background-hover: hsl(235,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*85.6%),64.7%); - --button-outline-brand-text-hover: #fff; - --button-outline-brand-border-hover: hsl(235,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*85.6%),64.7%); - --button-outline-brand-background-active: hsl(235,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*51.4%),52.4%); - --button-outline-brand-text-active: #fff; - --button-outline-brand-border-active: hsl(235,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*51.4%),52.4%);*/ - --button-outline-primary-text: #fff; - --button-outline-primary-border: #4f545c; - --button-outline-primary-background: rgba(255,255,255,0); - --button-outline-primary-background-hover: #4f545c; - --button-outline-primary-text-hover: #fff; - --button-outline-primary-border-hover: #4f545c; - --button-outline-primary-background-active: #686d73; - --button-outline-primary-text-active: #fff; - --button-outline-primary-border-active: #686d73; - --modal-background: #e6e9ef; 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- } - .colorDanger-3n-KnP:active:not(.hideInteraction-2jPGL_) { - background-color: #f38ba8; - color: #1e1e2e; - } - .lookFilled-yCfaCM.colorPrimary-2AuQVo { - background-color: #313244; - color: #cdd6f4; - } - /* Checkbox */ - .checked-25WXMf { - background-color: #a6e3a1 !important; - } - /* Bot tag */ - .botTagRegular-kpctgU { - color: #1e1e2e; - } - /* Message hover buttons */ - .wrapper-2vIMkT { - background-color: #313244; - } - /* DMs page */ - .container-2cd8Mz { - background-color: #1e1e2e !important; - } - /* Delete message pupup */ - .theme-dark .message-G6O-Wv { - background-color: #11111b; - } - .autocomplete-3NRXG8 { - background: #1e1e2e !important; - } - .categoryHeader-OpJ1Ly { - background: #181825; - } - rect[fill^="hsl(139"] { - fill: #a6e3a1; - } - rect[fill^="hsl(38"] { - fill: #f9e2af; - } - rect[fill^="hsl(359"] { - fill: #f38ba8; - } - rect[fill^="hsl(214"] { - fill: #a6adc8; - } - div[style^="background-color: hsl(139"] { - background-color: #a6e3a1 !important; 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