
118 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local act = wezterm.action
return {
-- use 'Backslash' to split horizontally
key = "\\",
mods = "LEADER",
action = act({ SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } }),
-- and 'Minus' to split vertically
key = "-",
mods = "LEADER",
action = act({ SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } }),
-- 'hjkl' to move between panes
{ key = "h", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" }) },
{ key = "j", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" }) },
{ key = "k", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" }) },
{ key = "l", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" }) },
-- -- Shift + 'hjkl' to resize panes
{ key = "h", mods = "LEADER|SHIFT", action = act({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 5 } }) },
{ key = "j", mods = "LEADER|SHIFT", action = act({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 5 } }) },
{ key = "k", mods = "LEADER|SHIFT", action = act({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 5 } }) },
{ key = "l", mods = "LEADER|SHIFT", action = act({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 5 } }) },
-- numbers to navigate to tabs
{ key = "1", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 0 }) },
{ key = "2", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 1 }) },
{ key = "3", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 2 }) },
{ key = "4", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 3 }) },
{ key = "5", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 4 }) },
{ key = "6", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 5 }) },
{ key = "7", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 6 }) },
{ key = "8", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 7 }) },
{ key = "9", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 8 }) },
{ key = "9", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 9 }) },
{ key = "0", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ ActivateTab = -1 }) },
{ key = "1", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 0 }) },
{ key = "2", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 1 }) },
{ key = "3", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 2 }) },
{ key = "4", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 3 }) },
{ key = "5", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 4 }) },
{ key = "6", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 5 }) },
{ key = "7", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 6 }) },
{ key = "8", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 7 }) },
{ key = "9", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 8 }) },
{ key = "9", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = 9 }) },
{ key = "0", mods = "SUPER", action = act({ ActivateTab = -1 }) },
-- 'c' to create a new tab
{ key = "c", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" }) },
-- 'x' to kill the current pane
{ key = "x", mods = "LEADER", action = act({ CloseCurrentPane = { confirm = true } }) },
-- 'z' to toggle the zoom for the current pane
{ key = "z", mods = "LEADER", action = "TogglePaneZoomState" },
-- 'v' to visually select in the current pane
{ key = "v", mods = "LEADER", action = "ActivateCopyMode" },
-- 'r' to rotate panes
{ key = "r", mods = "LEADER", action = act.RotatePanes("Clockwise") },
{ key = " ", mods = "LEADER", action = act.QuickSelect },
key = "o",
mods = "LEADER",
action = act.QuickSelectArgs({
label = "open url",
patterns = {
action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, pane)
local url = window:get_selection_text_for_pane(pane)
-- copypasta
{ key = "Enter", mods = "ALT", action = act.ToggleFullScreen },
{ key = "-", mods = "CTRL", action = act.DecreaseFontSize },
{ key = "-", mods = "SUPER", action = act.DecreaseFontSize },
{ key = "=", mods = "CTRL", action = act.IncreaseFontSize },
{ key = "=", mods = "SUPER", action = act.IncreaseFontSize },
{ key = "0", mods = "CTRL", action = act.ResetFontSize },
{ key = "0", mods = "SUPER", action = act.ResetFontSize },
{ key = "c", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.CopyTo("Clipboard") },
{ key = "c", mods = "SUPER", action = act.CopyTo("Clipboard") },
{ key = "v", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.PasteFrom("Clipboard") },
{ key = "v", mods = "SUPER", action = act.PasteFrom("Clipboard") },
{ key = "f", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.Search("CurrentSelectionOrEmptyString") },
{ key = "f", mods = "SUPER", action = act.Search("CurrentSelectionOrEmptyString") },
{ key = "l", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.ShowDebugOverlay },
{ key = "p", mods = "LEADER", action = act.PaneSelect({ alphabet = "asdfghjkl;", mode = "Activate" }) },
{ key = "P", mods = "LEADER", action = act.PaneSelect({ alphabet = "asdfghjkl;", mode = "SwapWithActive" }) },
{ key = "p", mods = "SUPER", action = act.PaneSelect({ alphabet = "asdfghjkl;", mode = "Activate" }) },
{ key = "P", mods = "SUPER", action = act.PaneSelect({ alphabet = "asdfghjkl;", mode = "SwapWithActive" }) },
{ key = "R", mods = "LEADER", action = act.ReloadConfiguration },
-- mostly OS defaults
{ key = "n", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.SpawnWindow },
{ key = "n", mods = "SUPER", action = act.SpawnWindow },
{ key = "t", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.SpawnTab("CurrentPaneDomain") },
{ key = "t", mods = "SUPER", action = act.SpawnTab("CurrentPaneDomain") },
{ key = "w", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act.CloseCurrentTab({ confirm = true }) },
{ key = "w", mods = "SUPER", action = act.CloseCurrentTab({ confirm = true }) },
key = "u",
mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",
action = act.CharSelect({
copy_on_select = true,
copy_to = "ClipboardAndPrimarySelection",